
The Poe Studies Association recognizes contributions to Poe research with honorary memberships and with the Patrick F. Quinn, James W. Gargano, and J. Lasley Dameron awards.

Honorary Membership is given to scholars whose contributions to Poe research are significant and who show exemplary commitment to the goals of the PSA. 

Honorary Members of the Poe Studies Association:
Jay B. Hubbell, 1974
Maureen Cobb Mabbott, 1974
Floyd Stovall, 1974
Richard Hart, 1975
John Ward Ostrom, 1975
Arlin Turner, 1977
Eric W. Carlson, 1978
Alexander G. Rose III, 1978
Richard P. Benton, 1978
Kenneth Walter Cameron, 1978
Richard Wilbur, 1981
Frederick Dannay, 1981
James W. Gargano, 1983
Burton R. Pollin, 1985
David K. Jackson, 1986
Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV, 1987
G.R. Thompson, 1988
J. Lasley Dameron, 1988
Patrick F. Quinn, 1989
Daniel Hoffman, 1995
John E. Reilly, 2000
Michael Deas, 2001
E.L. Doctorow, 2001
Dennis W. Eddings, 2002
J. Gerald Kennedy, 2003
Carol Pierce, 2003
Jeffrey A. Savoye, 2003
Richard Kopley, 2007
Susan Jaffe Tane, 2009
Stephen Loewentheil, 2009
Barbara Cantalupo, 2014
Alexander Hammond, 2014
Carole Shaffer-Koros, 2015
Heyward Ehrlich, 2015
Shoko Itoh, 2015
Harry Lee Poe, 2015
Jana L. Argersinger, 2020
John Cullen Gruesser, 2020
Henri Justin, 2020
Scott Peeples, 2021
Marilynne Robinson, 2022
Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, 2022
Margarita Rigal Aragón, 2023
Susan Levine, 2023
Dwight Thomas, 2023
Paul Lewis, 2024
Takayuki Tatsumi, 2024

The Patrick F. Quinn Award
for outstanding monographs on Poe was established in 1999 in honor of the late Patrick Quinn, author of The French Face of Edgar Poe, editor of the Library of America volume Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales, and honorary member of the PSA. Initiated by a gift from Mrs. Shirley Quinn, and supplemented by family and friends, it has been given to the authors of these books:

Terence Whalen, Edgar Allan Poe and the Masses (Princeton University Press, 1999).

Scott Peeples, The Afterlife of Edgar Allan Poe (Camden House, 2004).

Burton R. Pollin and Jeffrey A. Savoye, eds., The Collected Letters of Edgar Allan Poe (The Gordian Press, 2008).

Benjamin F. Fisher, ed., Poe in His Own Time: A Biographical Chronicle of His Life, Drawn from Recollections, Interviews, and Memoirs by Family, Friends, and Associates (University of Iowa Press, 2010).

Barbara Cantalupo, Poe and the Visual Arts (The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2014).

J. Gerald Kennedy, Strange Nation: Literary Nationalism and Cultural Conflict in the Age of Poe (Oxford University Press, 2016).

John Gruesser, Edgar Allan Poe and His Nineteenth-Century American Contemporaries (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019).

John Tresch, The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2021)

Paul Christian Jones, Poe, Queerness, and the End of Time (Palgrave, 2022)

The James W. Gargano Award for outstanding articles on Poe was established in honor of James Gargano, the author of landmark articles on Poe's fiction and a founding member of the PSA. Established by Mrs. Margaret Gargano and Stephen Loewentheil, it has been given to the authors of these articles:

2002   In its inaugural year, the Gargano award was given to 2 outstanding essays: 

J. Gerald Kennedy. The American Turn of Edgar Allan Poe. Baltimore: The Edgar Allan Poe Society, 2002. (Article-length booklet based on his Baltimore Poe Society commemorative lecture.) 

Jeffrey A. Savoye. “A ‘Lost’ Roll of Marginalia.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review 3.2 (Spring 2002): 52-72.

Maurice S. Lee. “Absolute Poe: His System of Transcendental Racism.” American Literature 75.4 (2003): 751-781.

Adam Frank. “Valdemar’s Tongue, Poe’s Telegraphy.” ELH 72 (2005): 635-662.

Laura Saltz. “‘Eyes which Behold’: Poe’s ‘Domain of Arnheim’ and the Science of Vision.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review 7.1 (2006): 4-30.

Matthew Taylor. “Edgar Allan Poe’s (Meta)Physics: A Pre-History of the Post-Human.” Nineteenth Century Literature 62.2 (Sept. 2007): 193-221.

Cindy Weinstein. “When Is Now? Poe’s Aesthetics of Temporality.” Poe Studies 41 (2008): 81-107.

Bonita Rhoads. “Poe’s Genre Crossing: From Domesticity to Detection.” Poe Studies 42.1 (2009): 14-40.

Brett Zimmerman. “Phrenological Allegory in Poe’s ‘The Fall of the House of Usher.’” Mosaic 43.1 (March 2010): 57-72.

Stephen Rachman. “Poe’s Drinking, Poe’s Delirium: The Privacy of Imps.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review 12.2 (2011): 6-40.

Paul Lewis. “Longfellow’s Serenity and Poe’s Prediction: An Antebellum Turning Point.” The New England Quarterly 85.1 (March 2012): 144–158.

Emron Esplin. “Borges’s Philosophy of Poe’s Composition.” Comparative Literature Studies 50.3 (2013): 458-489.

Jerome McGann. “‘The Bells,’ Performance, and the Politics of Poetry.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review 15.1 (2014): 47-58.

Mitchell C. Lilly. “Edgar Allan Poe’s The (Unnatural) Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.” Poe Studies 48 (2015): 34-57.

John Tresch. "'Matter No More':  Edgar Allan Poe and the Paradoxes of Materialism." Critical Inquiry 42.4 (2016): 865-898.

Susan Elizabeth Sweeney. “The Horror of Taking a Picture in Poe’s ‘Tell-Tale Heart.’” The Edgar Allan Poe Review 18.2 (2017): 142-162.

Adam Bradford. “‘Any Peculiar Taste of Prepossession’?: Poe and the Antebellum Registers of Authorial Interpretation.” Poe Studies 51 (2018): 44-73.

Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock. “Before and After: Anticipatory Anxiety and Experience Claimed in Poe’s Angelic Dialogues.” Poe Studies 52 (2019): 91-109.

Henri Justin. “‘X-ing a Paragrab’: Guess what that is about if you can!.” Poe Studies 53 (2020): 107-133.

Susan Elizabeth Sweeney. “Echoes of Ventriloquism in Poe’s Tales.” Poe Studies 54 (2021): 127-155.

Stephanie Kinzinger, “Embodied Cognition in Edgar Allan Poe: Eureka’s Cosmology, Dupin’s Intuition.” Nineteenth-Century Literature 77.2-3 (2022): 124-144.
Alexandra Urakova. “Penetrating into the Secrets of the Afflicted Heart: ‘The Man of the Crowd’ and Antebellum Philanthropic Discourse,” The Edgar Allan Poe Review 24.1 (2023): 1-20.

The J. Lasley Dameron Award
for outstanding Poe bibliographies or essay collections was established in 2016 with the support of the Dameron family. The award honors the late Lasley Dameron who served as president of the Poe Studies Association from 1978 to 1980, edited the PSA Newsletter, published numerous articles and chapters on Poe, and compiled two important Poe bibliographies. 

Richard Kopley. "Edgar Allan Poe." Oxford Bibliographies Online.

Philip Edward Phillips, ed. Poe and Place (Palgrave, 2018)

J. Gerald Kennedy and Scott Peeples, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Edgar Allan Poe (Oxford University Press, 2019)

Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato, eds. Anthologizing Poe: Editions, Translations, and (Trans)National Canons (Lehigh University Press, 2020)
Amy Branam Armiento and Travis Montgomery, eds. Poe and Women: Recognition and Revision (Lehigh University Press, 2023)

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