
I. Purpose:

The PSA is a voluntary nonprofit educational organization of college teachers and other interested persons for the purpose of exchanging information and ideas related to Poe biography and criticism.  Because of Poe’s influence and reputation as a world author, the PSA attempts to establish a sense of community among Poe scholars abroad as well as in the United States.  It will do so by informing its members of current Poe studies, encouraging publication and research, including the use of major repositories of Poe manuscripts.  These purposes will be served by the distribution semiannually of a scholarly journal and by annual gatherings of members and friends in conjunction with MLA and ALA meetings, special conferences, and cooperation with Poe societies, sites, and libraries.  The PSA urges its members, the contributors to its publications, and scholars who present papers under its auspices, to be sensitive to the social implications of language and to seek wording free of discriminatory overtones.

II. Membership:

On application to the Treasurer and the payment of annual dues, any individual sharing the purposes stated above is welcome to membership.   Selection of Honorary Members, chosen from those who have made notable contributions to Poe scholarship, will be ratified by ballot.  Nominations for Honorary Members should be considered by the officers and members of the Executive Committee.  Honorary Members shall be exempt from any dues.   

III. Dues:

Appropriate annual dues (by calendar year) will be determined by a consensus of the members of the Executive Committee.

IV. Officers and Their Duties:

The elected officers shall be: (a) a President, for a term of two years, who shall preside at business meetings and serve as chair of the Executive Committee; (b) a Vice-President, for two years, who shall be program chair of the MLA sessions and who shall preside at business meetings in the absence of the President; (c) a Secretary, for three years, who shall record and distribute minutes of meetings; he or she shall also, with the President, carry on correspondence, supervise nominations and balloting, and maintain liaison with representatives in foreign countries; (d) a Treasurer, for three years, who shall collect dues, make disbursements, keep the books and maintain membership.   In addition to the four officers, the Executive Committee shall consist of: two elected at-large members, for two years, who shall be program chair(s) of the ALA sessions; the editor of the journal, serving ex-officio; and the immediate past President, serving ex-officio.

V. Journal:

The Edgar Allan Poe Review is the official publication of the Association and will be distributed twice yearly. The Edgar Allan Poe Review prints articles, reviews, notices of research in progress, current bibliography, notes and queries, announcements of business meetings, reports of the annual meetings, and other material relevant to Poe studies. All authors whose work is published in The Edgar Allan Poe Review must be members of the PSA.  The Editor is selected by the Executive Committee for a three-year renewable term. The Editor is free to select an assistant or associate editor and to consult members of the Executive Committee. The Editor will be assisted by an Editorial Board of twelve members. The Executive Committee will select members of the Editorial Board for four-year terms that may be renewed for one additional 4-year term. No member of the Executive Committee may be a member of the Editorial Board; all members of the Editorial Board must be PSA members. The editor, in consultation with the Executive Committee, may replace a member of the Editorial Board if that member is not consistently responsive and thorough in his/her reviews.

VI. Elections:

Elections of officers and committee members will be managed by the PSA secretary and accomplished by ballots submitted by email. The Executive Committee shall choose a nominating committee to present a preliminary slate that will be announced on the PSA listserv on April 1. Members will then have a month to nominate other candidates by contacting the secretary. Voting on the final slate will commence on May 1 and end on May 31; new terms will begin on June 1. Only current PSA members who have paid their annual dues will be allowed to vote.

VII. Dispersal of Funds:

Upon dissolution or final liquidation of the Poe Studies Association, any remaining assets shall be, after payment or the making of provision for payment of all the lawful debts and liabilities of the nonprofit, distributed to remaining Poe not-for-profits such as the Poe House in Baltimore.

VII. Amendment to Bylaws:

Amendment to the Bylaws will require a two-thirds majority of those voting.  Balloting will be carried out by the Secretary. All amendments shall be circulated to the entire membership at least 14 days prior to the date ballots are to be cast.

Last amended on August 4, 2023.